The Spectris Foundation is committed to empowering communities and supporting initiatives that are close and meaningful to Spectris Group employees through our employee nominated grants. This process allows employees to nominate projects and initiatives that they are passionate about and believe will have a meaningful impact on their community. It empowers employees to highlight important issues and drive positive change.

Last year, we received a nomination from Scott MacLaughlin, from Particle Measuring Systems, which highlighted the proactive efforts of the Boulder Emergency Squad (BES) to increase the number of members certified in wildland firefighting in response to the rising threat of wildland fires in Colorado.

The Spectris Foundation awarded a grant of £5,000 which enabled BES to equip five women, who had recently become certified wildland firefighters, with appropriate safety clothing. This is particularly significant as historically only men’s safety gear had been provided which was ill-fitting, uncomfortable, and less protective for women. The grant covered the costs of fire-proof shirts, trousers, boots, and helmets – all especially designed for women – along with backpacks and other personal protective equipment to ensure their safety while bravely battling wildfires.

We are proud to support initiatives that not only address immediate challenges but also pave the way for a more inclusive and resilient future. Together, we are making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and communities affected by wildland fires in Colorado. Thank you to the Boulder Emergency Squad for all the hard work you do in making the community a safer place!

We look forward to sharing more employee nominated grant stories throughout this year.

You can read more about BES here: Home | Boulder Emergency Squad (